
Accordion #

The accordion field is a container field. It can define multiple input fields, which are displayed as subform. The output is an array of dictionaries.



Properties #

propertyvalue typeoptionaldescription
keystringmandatoryKeys are for internal use and must be unique
titlestringoptionalThe title of the accordion element
dynFormSearchKeystringoptional (default: null)key of one of the child field of which the value refers to a custom partial form
dynFormObjectFilestring with relative path to file without file extensionoptional (default: null)if dynFormSearchKey is set this path points to the file containing a subform. Do not define the used file extension. Quiqr will automatically try to open json, toml or yaml files. If dynFormObjectFile is not set it refers to the partials in the ./quiqr/model/base file itself.
dynFormObjectRootstringoptional (default: null)if dynFormObjectFile is set this points to the root node where the subform is defined e.g. components
fieldsarray of dictionariesmandatoryThese are the form input fields.
fields.[n].arrayTitlebooleanoptional (default: false)The value of the child field which has arrayTitle=true will be displayed as the accordion item title

Disabled child fields #

if a child field of an accordion has a boolean field with a disabled and this is set to true, the item will display light grey text to indicate it’s disabled.

Regular accordion #

Below an example of a regular accordion configuration without dynamic forms.

- arrayTitle: true
  key: title
  title: Title
  type: string
- key: boolean1
  title: boolean1
  type: boolean
- key: boolean2
  title: boolean2
  type: boolean
- key: boolean3
  title: boolean3
  type: boolean
key: my-accordion
title: accordion
type: accordion
key = "my-accordion"
title = "accordion"
type = "accordion"

  arrayTitle = true
  key = "title"
  title = "Title"
  type = "string"

  key = "boolean1"
  title = "boolean1"
  type = "boolean"

  key = "boolean2"
  title = "boolean2"
  type = "boolean"

  key = "boolean3"
  title = "boolean3"
  type = "boolean"
   "fields": [
         "arrayTitle": true,
         "key": "title",
         "title": "Title",
         "type": "string"
         "key": "boolean1",
         "title": "boolean1",
         "type": "boolean"
         "key": "boolean2",
         "title": "boolean2",
         "type": "boolean"
         "key": "boolean3",
         "title": "boolean3",
         "type": "boolean"
   "key": "my-accordion",
   "title": "accordion",
   "type": "accordion"

Accordion with dynamic forms defined in ./quiqr/model/base.yaml #

Fragments of the ./quiqr/model/base.yaml with a dynamic accordion and a partials section

dynFormSearchKey: component_type
- arrayTitle: true
  key: title
  title: Title
  type: string
- key: component_type
  multiple: false
  - text: Component 1
    value: component1
  - text: Component 2
    value: component2
  title: Component Type
  type: select
key: page_sections
title: Page sections
type: accordion
dynFormSearchKey = "component_type"
key = "page_sections"
title = "Page sections"
type = "accordion"

  arrayTitle = true
  key = "title"
  title = "Title"
  type = "string"

  key = "component_type"
  multiple = false
  title = "Component Type"
  type = "select"

    text = "Component 1"
    value = "component1"

    text = "Component 2"
    value = "component2"
   "dynFormSearchKey": "component_type",
   "fields": [
         "arrayTitle": true,
         "key": "title",
         "title": "Title",
         "type": "string"
         "key": "component_type",
         "multiple": false,
         "options": [
               "text": "Component 1",
               "value": "component1"
               "text": "Component 2",
               "value": "component2"
         "title": "Component Type",
         "type": "select"
   "key": "page_sections",
   "title": "Page sections",
   "type": "accordion"
- component_type: poppy-banner
  - key: poppy_variant
    multiple: false
    - text: Full height
      value: header-banner-full-height
    - text: Regular
      value: header-banner
    title: Quiqr Variant
    type: select
  - key: bg_image
    title: Background image
    type: string
  - key: buttontxt
    title: Button text
    type: string
  key: component1
- component_type: poppy-shortlist
  - key: text1
    title: Text 1
    type: string
  - key: text2
    title: Text 2
    type: string
  - key: text3
    title: Text 3
    type: string
  groupdata: true
  key: component2
  type: section
  component_type = "poppy-banner"
  key = "component1"

    key = "poppy_variant"
    multiple = false
    title = "Quiqr Variant"
    type = "select"

      text = "Full height"
      value = "header-banner-full-height"

      text = "Regular"
      value = "header-banner"

    key = "bg_image"
    title = "Background image"
    type = "string"

    key = "buttontxt"
    title = "Button text"
    type = "string"

  component_type = "poppy-shortlist"
  groupdata = true
  key = "component2"
  type = "section"

    key = "text1"
    title = "Text 1"
    type = "string"

    key = "text2"
    title = "Text 2"
    type = "string"

    key = "text3"
    title = "Text 3"
    type = "string"
   "dynamics": [
         "component_type": "poppy-banner",
         "fields": [
               "key": "poppy_variant",
               "multiple": false,
               "options": [
                     "text": "Full height",
                     "value": "header-banner-full-height"
                     "text": "Regular",
                     "value": "header-banner"
               "title": "Quiqr Variant",
               "type": "select"
               "key": "bg_image",
               "title": "Background image",
               "type": "string"
               "key": "buttontxt",
               "title": "Button text",
               "type": "string"
         "key": "component1"
         "component_type": "poppy-shortlist",
         "fields": [
               "key": "text1",
               "title": "Text 1",
               "type": "string"
               "key": "text2",
               "title": "Text 2",
               "type": "string"
               "key": "text3",
               "title": "Text 3",
               "type": "string"
         "groupdata": true,
         "key": "component2",
         "type": "section"

Accordion with dynamic forms defined in a seperate file #

Fragments of the ./quiqr/model/base.yaml with a dynamic accordion.

dynFormObjectFile: data/pageComponentsTree
dynFormObjectRoot: components
dynFormSearchKey: component_type
- arrayTitle: true
  key: title
  title: Title
  type: string
- key: component_type
  multiple: false
  - text: Component 1
    value: component1
  - text: Component 2
    value: component2
  title: Component Type
  type: select
key: page_sections
title: Page sections
type: accordion
dynFormObjectFile = "data/pageComponentsTree"
dynFormObjectRoot = "components"
dynFormSearchKey = "component_type"
key = "page_sections"
title = "Page sections"
type = "accordion"

  arrayTitle = true
  key = "title"
  title = "Title"
  type = "string"

  key = "component_type"
  multiple = false
  title = "Component Type"
  type = "select"

    text = "Component 1"
    value = "component1"

    text = "Component 2"
    value = "component2"
   "dynFormObjectFile": "data/pageComponentsTree",
   "dynFormObjectRoot": "components",
   "dynFormSearchKey": "component_type",
   "fields": [
         "arrayTitle": true,
         "key": "title",
         "title": "Title",
         "type": "string"
         "key": "component_type",
         "multiple": false,
         "options": [
               "text": "Component 1",
               "value": "component1"
               "text": "Component 2",
               "value": "component2"
         "title": "Component Type",
         "type": "select"
   "key": "page_sections",
   "title": "Page sections",
   "type": "accordion"

The complete object file in this case data/pageComponentsTree.yaml

- component_type: poppy-banner
  - key: poppy_variant
    multiple: false
    - text: Full height
      value: header-banner-full-height
    - text: Regular
      value: header-banner
    title: Quiqr Variant
    type: select
  - key: bg_image
    title: Background image
    type: string
  - key: buttontxt
    title: Button text
    type: string
  key: component1
- component_type: poppy-shortlist
  - key: text1
    title: Text 1
    type: string
  - key: text2
    title: Text 2
    type: string
  - key: text3
    title: Text 3
    type: string
  groupdata: true
  key: component2
  type: section
  component_type = "poppy-banner"
  key = "component1"

    key = "poppy_variant"
    multiple = false
    title = "Quiqr Variant"
    type = "select"

      text = "Full height"
      value = "header-banner-full-height"

      text = "Regular"
      value = "header-banner"

    key = "bg_image"
    title = "Background image"
    type = "string"

    key = "buttontxt"
    title = "Button text"
    type = "string"

  component_type = "poppy-shortlist"
  groupdata = true
  key = "component2"
  type = "section"

    key = "text1"
    title = "Text 1"
    type = "string"

    key = "text2"
    title = "Text 2"
    type = "string"

    key = "text3"
    title = "Text 3"
    type = "string"
   "components": [
         "component_type": "poppy-banner",
         "fields": [
               "key": "poppy_variant",
               "multiple": false,
               "options": [
                     "text": "Full height",
                     "value": "header-banner-full-height"
                     "text": "Regular",
                     "value": "header-banner"
               "title": "Quiqr Variant",
               "type": "select"
               "key": "bg_image",
               "title": "Background image",
               "type": "string"
               "key": "buttontxt",
               "title": "Button text",
               "type": "string"
         "key": "component1"
         "component_type": "poppy-shortlist",
         "fields": [
               "key": "text1",
               "title": "Text 1",
               "type": "string"
               "key": "text2",
               "title": "Text 2",
               "type": "string"
               "key": "text3",
               "title": "Text 3",
               "type": "string"
         "groupdata": true,
         "key": "component2",
         "type": "section"