
Date #

The date field generates a date field with a date picker. The output value is a date string.

Date field

Date field

Date picker popup

Date picker popup

Properties #

propertyvalue typeoptionaldescription
keystringmandatoryKeys are for internal use and must be unique
titlestringoptionalThe title of the element
tipstringoptional (default: null)Text entered here with markdown formatting is displayed as context help in an overlay box
defaultstringoptional (default: null)Default value when the key is not set yet
dateFormatstringoptional (default: dd/MM/yyyyDateformat to use. only ‘dd’ ‘MM’ and yyyy are supported currently.

Sample #

Configuration #

dateFormat: dd-MM-yyyy
default: "2021-04-12"
key: sample_field
title: Sample field
type: date
dateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"
default = "2021-04-12"
key = "sample_field"
title = "Sample field"
type = "date"
   "dateFormat": "dd-MM-yyyy",
   "default": "2021-04-12",
   "key": "sample_field",
   "title": "Sample field",
   "type": "date"

Output #

sample_field: "2021-03-21"